Author: samar

نصائح كتابة السيرة الذاتية 2022

نصائح كتابة السيرة الذاتية 2022

وجود استراتيجية يعني وجود خطة لتحقيق مستقبلك المهني المنشود وذلك باستخدام الموارد المتاحة بكفاءة وفعالية (وقتك وطاقتك).

 لوهلة يبدو الأمر بديهيًا، لكن إنشاء استراتيجية تعد خطوة يتجاهلها معظم الباحثين عن عمل، وبدلاً من ذلك يقفزون مباشرةً في تقديم الطلبات للعمل.

وهنا تأتي ضرورة إيجاد بديل لنهج “التقديم والانتظار” ليوضح كيفية إنشاء نظام عملي للبحث عن وظيفة ملائمة، لأن السيرة الذاتية لوحدها لن تمنحنا وظيفة والامر يحتاج للعديد من الخطوات المختلفة و الأساسية للناجح في الحصول على وظيفة ملائمة أو لتحسين عملية الاختيار المهني الاسلم في السلم الوظيفي.

لماذا يجب عليك استهداف كل سيرة ذاتية

تصور هذا:

تصور انك تقدم على أكثر من 150 وظيفة في الأسبوع. يا له من شعور بالإنجاز!


هل هذه الطريقة كانت مجدية معك؟؟ هل تحصلت على رد وتمت دعوتك لمقابلة عمل؟

في معظم الاحيان الرد لا، لم اتحصل على رد او لم تتم دعوتي لمقابلة عمل

ما الخطأ الذي حدث؟

قد تكون أرسلت 150 نسخة من سيرتك الذاتية لعدة اقسام في نفس الشركة او لعدة شركات دون الأخذ في الاعتبار ان تقوم بتعديلها لتتناسب مع الفرصة المتاحة أو الوظيفة  ولهذا فيمكن ان تكون فرق التوظيف قد افترضت أنك كنت ترسل لهم رسائل غير مرغوب فيها. (سكام) المعروضة

يبدو هذا مؤلما أليس كذلك؟

لهذا السبب يجب تخصيص كل سيرة ذاتية.

لماذا تستهدف كل سيرة ذاتية؟

ولأنك تريد ان تتحصل على الوظيفة الافضل التي تتماشى مع قدراتك ومهاراتك.


كيف تفعل ذلك؟

خذ وقتك للاطّلاع على الشركة التي ستقدّم إليها

تعرّف على الوظيفة التي ترغب فيها أكثر ثمّ عدّل سيرتك الذاتية بما يتناسب مع الشاغر الوظيفي

مع مراعاة عدم إضافة معلومات لا علاقة لها بالواقع، فقط المهارات التي تتناسب مع الفرصة التي تتقدّم إليها.


من خلال هذا التسجيل  سأطرح لكم الأسباب الممكنة لعدم قبول سيرتك الذاتية من الشركات المختلفة وكيفية تعديل السيرة الذاتية بطريقة مهنية وصحيحة لتلفت إنتباه مسؤولين التوظيف والموارد البشرية في أي شركة.

العناوين الرئيسية لهذه المحاضرة

أساسيات السيرة الذاتية وأسباب عدم قبول سيرتك الذاتية من الشركات المختلفة

كيف تستهدف أصحاب العمل المحتملين- Targeted Resume

كيفية صياغة نقاط خبرة قوية بإستخدام RAS-Formula

ما الذي يجعل السيرة الذاتية متميزة

سأستعرض في التسجيل ما الذي يبحث عنه موظفوا الموارد البشرية في سيرتك الذاتية

مهما كان قلقك سنقوم بتحليل كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته حول إعداد السيرة الذاتية الحديثة.

والجديد هو معرفة كيفية صياغة نقاط خبرة قوية بإستخدام RAS-Formula

يمكنكم ترك أي أسئلة في التعليقات ادناه او المراسلة على بريدي الالكتروني

Types of resumes

Types of resumes


There are many ways to write a resume, the most common types of resumes are ” Chronological”, “Functional” and ” Combination”

  • Chronological Resume
  • Functional Resume
  • Combination Resume

1- Chronological Resume

They are the most common types. This type of resume focuses on the chronology of your professional experience and the career roles you have performed in the past, the chronology is the opposite, meaning writing the last job you have done at the top of the list of professional experience and then the reverse sequence of the rest of the professional roles you have occupied in the past.

How to organize a Chronological Resume

A Chronological Resume is usually organized as follows:

  • Personal details such as name and ways to contact you
  • Summary of career experience and objectives
  • Career history in reverse chronological order
  • Education and qualifications
  • Professional membership
  • Your interests and hobbies


The advantages of Chronological Resume

This is the preferred resume for most employers and companies because of the ease and simplicity of recognizing the roles and responsibilities you have played in each job

If there are not many significant or outstanding achievements in your career, this type of resume details your key responsibilities in every job that distracts the focus from achievements.


The disadvantages of Chronological Resume

Clearly showing any time gaps in your career history, the timeline will make those gaps clear.

Show any change in your career orientations so this timeline may not be suitable for you

Functional Resume

Unlike a Chronological Resume, a Functional Resume puts a focus on your skills, experiences and achievements rather than chronology.

How to organize a Functional Resume

  • Personal details such as name and ways to contact you
  • Summary of career experience and objectives goals
  • Achievements, skills, strengths and personal qualities
  • A comprehensive description of your experience with professional experience ranked by importance


The advantages of a Functional Resume

  • Is optimal if you have many time gaps in your career history sequence
  • Doesn’t show clearly that you’ve changed your career.
  • It suits you if your experiences are multiple or a mixture of unrelated skills.
  • Doesn’t show if you’re older than required, Functional Resume won’t focus on your age
  • If a job requires a certain age, and you’re older than required, this type ofresume focuses more on the type of experience than on your age.


The disadvantages of a Functional Resume

  • Not favored by employers
  • Not suitable for you if you don’t have enough achievements and work experience
  • A Functional Resume won’t let you highlight your career progress.

3- Combination Resume

A Combination Resume is a favorite of many, especially for leaderships and corporate managers, because it includes the Functional Resume format and then the chronological order, which makes it longer than usual. This is the most popular type.

The advantages of a Combination Resume

  • It’s the perfect resume to show your strengths professionally with many achievements.
  • Enables you to clearly demonstrate your skills and experience

The disadvantage of a Combination Resume

  • Longer than functional and chronological resumes
  • It’s not good for those with less experience or achievement.
  • Not suitable for those with career gaps

Alternative resume types

There are a variety of different resume types that are less used for a particular purpose.

Here are some of the other less used resume types:

Targeted resume

The target resume is a resume that is tailored for specific needs of each job and company you plan to apply for. You can format it with any of all mentioned resume types above, but the main difference from other format is that you target every detail specifically for the role you’re applying for.

To write a resume that effectively targets a particular job, you need to read through the job description and look between the lines for any skills, job assignments, keywords or requirements that apply to you. Then you can highlight your most relevant skills and experiences in your resume based on the job description, that’s why targeted resume takes longer time to prepare.

However, it is also the most effective resume that you can write because it makes you look perfect for a particular job.

Who should use this type:

This type of resumes fits people who their skills and experience match the job description they want to apply for. This will make the employer or hiring manager relates to your relevant background that is required for the job.

Biography / Infographic resume

This type of resumes are different from the normal or regular resumes, the infographic resumes designed with graphics and visual elements to present your professional details in a unique and attention-attracting way.

Who should use this type:

This type of resumes suits creative graphic designers to present their graphic design skills.

The disadvantage of infographic resume

If you are applying through (apply online) the employer might be using the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) which normally filters based on keywords not visuals and that might lead to filtering your resume out of the short-listed applicants.

You can use the infographic resume when that is requested by the employer, or you know that the filtering is through a human interaction.

Non regular or nontraditional resume

There are many other types of resumes that can be classified as unusual they are also called modern resumes such as video resumes, Online profile (portfolios), and personal websites.

This is a creative approach to delivering qualifications, skills and professional experience in a different creative way.

Who should use this type:

If you are applying for a job that requires the same skills used such as presentation, teaching, public speaking, and your video editing skills. However, with the video resume you might need to send a normal resume document when an employer requests it.


In this article I provided you with a breakdown of the types of resumes and the most important advantages and disadvantages of each type, you should choose the most suitable for you from them as a job seeker. I recommend that you review and organize your CV before applying for any vacancy by adjusting it according to your skills and making sure that your personal touch is placed on it and organized according to the company’s priorities and requirements in the job description that resonates with you.




Importance of Action Verbs in a Resume

Resume Action verbs

Your resume is your passport to receive an invitation for a job interview and if you are not able to get a job interview invitation yet, I encourage you to review your resume and make sure it includes the required criteria of a strong resume.

Hiring managers scan your resume in 6 to 8 seconds to look for job required keywords, competencies, to notice if your resume is relevant to the job they are hiring for and if you have the qualifications to do the job.

How to grab recruiters’ attention to your resume?

Headline, keywords, action verbs, knowledge, skills and abilities are essential elements to consider while writing a resume. Action verbs are used in a resume to describe skills, accomplishments, and responsibilities.

There are different types of action verbs to consider in your resume like actions verbs for management skills, administrative skills, communication skills, creative skills, and financial skills. You can use them to describe your ability to do something.

E.g. you don’t need to write in your resume words like I have management skills, but it is better to write:
“Managed the organization’s core projects, developed a new policy and accomplished projects before deadlines”.

Why Should You Use action verbs in a resume?

Action verbs are significant in your resume, you can use them to create an impact when you are delivering information to another reader. This is your unique way to highlight the tasks you can do, allowing you to describe more about your professional expertise as an achiever more than a doer.

Choosing the right word is sometimes critical to describe what you have successfully done to persuade potential employers to give you a chance for an interview appointment.

Action verbs prevent you from using buzzwords and provide the reader with a clear understanding of what is happening and what you can do.

Action verbs help you to stand out from other applicants.

How to use action verbs in resumes?

Mostly, action verbs are used in the work experience section of your resume. You start each sentence or point with an action verb that refers to the most relevant information for the role you are applying for.

Here are simple steps to follow:

  • Begin each sentence with an action verb to engage recruiters to read your resume.
  • Invest in the first lines to mention your achievements and results that relate to the employer’s objectives.
  • It would be smart if you can use numbers to quantify your achievement to strengthen the impact.

How do action verbs improve resumes?

Actions verbs can improve your resume and make it easier to read. When you start every bullet point in your work experience with an effective action verb, you will attract the employer’s attention. If you succeed in using the right actin verbs and succeed in presenting the information consistently throughout your resume, then the employer will find it easy to read it and maybe you guarantee a call.

Positive Psychology Changed my life -How knowing my values and strengths changed my career and life?

We hear stories about famous people who were broke at an early stage of their careers. However, their life changed completely after getting introduced to their values and strength. Engaging values and strengths in their career guided them to success.

I believe we are born with unique strengths and powers, and once we explore them, dreams become through. Once I was able to define my core values and understand more about my strengths, I proudly led my change.


  • The way I deliver my ideas and services are unique and authentic. Uniqueness and authenticity are the core values that make me thrive and flourish.
  • I ask people questions and listen, to help them introduce their professional experience more clearly than what they wrote in their resumes. To help them revise and improve their resumes and present themselves more professionally to land their dream job. I do this because I care, and caring is one of my core values.
  • I live my values to the extent, of enjoying them to guide me and support my goals. I relate this to positivity which is one of my core values. Positivity makes me flourish and makes my career special for me.

My life and career had changed for the better when I realized my values, strengths, and purpose in life. I believe this is a very powerful approach, I flourish and thrive in every minute I spend helping people to land their dream jobs peacefully.


I would conclude with this real-life story of Lisa Nichols. Although Lisa was “broke and broken” a single mother with only 12$ to feed her eight months baby, today Lisa is one of the world’s most-requested motivational speakers. Lisa owns a multi-million-dollar firm called Motivating the Masses and is an author of seven best-selling books. Lisa is guided by her values and used her strength to flourish and thrive.

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